Aleksandra Siekierska


Meet Aleksandra Siekierska

Aleksandra has about 15 years of academic experience in the field of molecular and cell biology and neuroscience. She obtained her PhD in Bioengineering Sciences from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel/ VIB and a post-graduate diploma in pharmaceutical medicine & medicines development sciences from ULB in Brussels.

During her FWO post-doctoral training at KU Leuven, Belgium (Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences) her main scientific focus was to model human genetic diseases (in particular epilepsy) in zebrafish larvae to understand their pathogenesis and screen for novel medications. As a senior scientist, she managed and further improved the laboratory’s zebrafish platform for CNS drug discovery and toxicity assessment. She made an effective contribution to the development of novel therapeutics by co-developing and testing design strategy to diminish protein aggregation (patent co-inventor). Aleksandra is an author on over 20 peer-reviewed publications of which some in leading journals like Nature Communications, Nature Genetics, Cell, and Neurology. In the beginning of 2022, she joined the VirusBank Platform to set-up the translational research platform for the discovery of therapeutical solutions for infectious diseases.

Meet the Management Team & Founders

Managing Director

Dirk Roymans

Dirk has more than 20 years of experience in pharmaceutical discovery research and clinical drug development in mid-sized ...

Johan Neyts

Johan Neyts is full professor of Virology at the KU Leuven, Belgium and Head of the Laboratory of Virology, Antiviral Drug...

Patrick Chaltin

Patrick Chaltin is the Managing Director of the Centre for Drug Design and Discovery (CD3) since its start-up in 2006.