Isabel Leroux-Roels


Meet Isabel Leroux-Roels

Isabel Leroux-Roels is working as a clinical microbiologist and infection control physician at Ghent University Hospital (UZ Gent). Since 2017 she is also head of department of the Center for Vaccinology (CEVAC), a vaccine research center of UZ Gent/UGent which was founded in 1995 and consists of a clinical vaccine trial site and a dedicated immune-monitoring laboratory. 

Isabel is associate professor at  the Department of Diagnostic Sciences of Ghent University and teaches several courses on vaccinology, microbiology and infection control. Her research focuses on the clinical evaluation of safety and immunogenicity of novel vaccines, with a specific emphasis on novel vaccine platforms (e.g. mRNA, viral vectors), vaccine adjuvants and vaccines against respiratory viral infections (influenza, RSV, SARS-CoV-2). Besides many fruitful collaborations with pharmaceutical and biotech companies, Isabel and her team are also actively involved in various international consortium projects such as the Larissa project (Rift Valley fever vaccine; CEPI/Horizon 2020), the Indigo project (effective and affordable influenza vaccines; Horizon 2020) and the recently approved Baxerna project (Mycobacterium tuberculosis vaccine; Horizon-RIA). Isabel is a member of the Vaccination Working Group of the Superior Health Council (Hoge Gezondheidsraad). She has (co-)authored more than 60 papers in international peer-reviewed journals. She is frequently invited as a speaker at (inter)national conferences. Through regular communication in the press, via webinars, etc., Isabel also wants to contribute to informing healthcare providers and the wider public about the importance of vaccination and the safety and efficacy of vaccines. 

Scientific Advisory Committee

SAC chair

Peter Piot

Peter Piot is the Handa Professor of Global Health and former Director of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medi...
SAC member

Philippe Desmeth

Philippe Desmeth is bioengineer and environmental consultant by training. He is a member of several International Scientif...
SAC member

Thomas Michiels

Professor Thomas Michiels is full professor at UCL, Belgium (teaching general microbiology, molecular biology, and virolog...
SAC member

Helga Rübsamen-Schaeff

Professor Rübsamen-Schaeff was the founder and the CEO of AiCuris, a German Biopharma company dedicated to the research an...
SAC member

Steven Van Gucht

Steven Van Gucht holds a PhD in Veterinary Sciences (virology). He started his career at Sciensano in December 2005 as a S...
SAC member

Alain Vanderplasschen

Alain Vanderplasschen is Professor of Virology and Vaccinology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the ULiège. He is ...