Philippe Desmeth


Meet Philippe Desmeth

Philippe Desmeth is bioengineer and environmental consultant by training. He is a member of several International Scientific Advisory Boards of Biological Resources Centres (BRC). Since November 2021, he is elected Chair of the Assembly of Members of the Biobanking and Biomolecular resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI-ERIC).

After training in environmental sciences, he was research assistant at the University of Louvain (UCLouvain). In 1996, he joined the Belgian Coordinated Collections of Micro-organisms (BCCM) as international cooperation manager.

In addition to coordinating collaborative research projects, he develops standard procedures and fair cooperation schemes at the Belgian Science Policy Office, which funds and manages the BCCM, to provide a framework for sustainable collaboration with institutions in developed and developing countries.

He has gained expertise in Access and Benefit Sharing in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Nagoya Protocol. At the Belgian Science Policy, he coordinated EU-funded projects such as MOSAICC. He is involved in innovative approaches to support intellectual property rights related to the use of microbiological resources and ownership concepts applying to biological material. He has co-launched the TRUST project on establishing a system to implement the Nagoya Protocol in microbiology.

For four years he was manager of the Belgian Biodiversity Platform which supports science-based policymaking on biodiversity and is the Belgian node of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility

He was President of the World Federation for Culture Collections (WFCC) from September 2010 until July 2017.  Today he sits as ex officio member of the WFCC Executive Board. 

Scientific Advisory Committee

SAC chair

Peter Piot

Peter Piot is the Handa Professor of Global Health and former Director of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medi...
SAC member

Isabel Leroux-Roels

Isabel Leroux-Roels is working as a clinical microbiologist and infection control physician at Ghent University Hospital (...
SAC member

Thomas Michiels

Professor Thomas Michiels is full professor at UCL, Belgium (teaching general microbiology, molecular biology, and virolog...
SAC member

Helga Rübsamen-Schaeff

Professor Rübsamen-Schaeff was the founder and the CEO of AiCuris, a German Biopharma company dedicated to the research an...
SAC member

Steven Van Gucht

Steven Van Gucht holds a PhD in Veterinary Sciences (virology). He started his career at Sciensano in December 2005 as a S...
SAC member

Alain Vanderplasschen

Alain Vanderplasschen is Professor of Virology and Vaccinology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the ULiège. He is ...